About Awilas
Awilas is the dynamic new-folk duo of Larisa Ljungkrona-Mönttinen and Anki Ebonsdotter. Having been bandmates in various groups and constellations since their time studying world music at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg, these two friends started to wonder what would happen if they merged their artistic ideas and musical expression into one. And so in 2012, Awilas was created.
Awilas was awarded “Newcomer of the Year” at the Swedish Folk and Worldmusic Awards in Helsingborg 2017, due to their innovative play and broadening of the folk musical expression. Their debut album was released in late 2016 and is described as one of the most interesting and beautiful Swedish records that year.
The music of Awilas is a never ceasing stream of playful improvisation, poetic lyrics, mindblowing sincerity and total dedication. With a variety of musical trinkets, such as kalimba, carillon and dripping water, alongside layers of voice and accordion, Awilas tell their own stories of life, love, sorrow and happiness. From the highest peaks to the tiniest grain of sand, from ancient northern forests to the new-born seed, tenaciously making it’s way through the cliffside, Awilas music takes us on a journey through space-time. For a little while, you get to be a part of something both big and small, healing and heartbreaking, tender and strong. It’s already there, ready to be heard, if you choose to listen.
About Larisa (free bass accordion)
Larisa Ljungkrona-Mönttinens musical influences stretches across north European folk music, free and modal improvisation to more archaic traditions. Her artistic expression is consistently improvisational with a free and personal approach in all her musical endeavors. Her playing is dynamic; at the same time forceful but also minimalistic in it’s expression, leading us with a steady hand through time and space and musical vibrations.
About Anki (vocals)
Anki Ebonsdotter is a broad and limitless musician, voice artist and composer. She is constantly moving in and out of traditional genres, criss-crossing latin and flamenco with Swedish folk music and free improvisation. She never wants to stop evolving, trying new things and challenging her creativity as she goes. She doesn’t like restrictions of familiarity or convention to stop her evolving, but is always pushing her boundaries and finding new ways for vocal expression.
"Några gånger per år kommer det en svensk skiva som bara knockar mig och nästan inte går att sluta lyssna på. I våras var det Bazar Blås bästa någonsin, "Twenty", och nu dök nya duon Awilas debutskiva "Under Awilas himmel" upp - fantastisk! Sång- och dragspelsbaserad delvis improviserad nyfolkmusik som vågar andas och ta ljuvlig tid på sig fram till sina sagolika urladdningar och handlar om svåra och innerliga sidor av människolivet. Inte på Spotify än, men om någon vecka åtminstone i P2 Världen."
- Per Guldbrandsen producent P2-världen
"... I regnet faller stjärnor är precis så vacker och stilla som titeln ger sken av. De båda kvinnorösterna svävar och väver sig samman och går omlott kring varandra i något av det vackraste jag hört på en svensk skiva i år."
- Timo Kangas, Lira musikmagasin
"Folkmusik är tradition och tradition är utveckling, förändring. Att hitta nya stickspår längs gamla stigar gör folkmusiken levande. Här möts tradition och nytänkande alldeles särskilt starkt, här är en vinnare som med intrikat samspel och nyfikna sinnen ser bortom gärsgårdarna och bjuder in oss till nya upplevelser."
- Juryns motivering för Awilas till "Årets nykomling" Folk-och Världsmusikgalan 2017
"Vilken alldeles underbar CD! Instrumentation! Genialt! Inte en ton för mycket. Och texterna! Vi njuter!"
- Marie Selander & Tuomo Happala